Taxila Arunalu 2022 and Taxila Athwela 2022

Taxila Arunalu 2022 and Taxila Athwela 2022
“Taxila Arunalu” and Taxila Athwela” programs were held on 16th September 2022 at college main hall. “Taxila Arunalu 2022” was a program to recognize and appreciate the students who performed exceptionally well in 2021 A/L examination from Bio stream whilst “Taxila Athwela” was a scholarship program intended to support the past Taxilians who are currently undergraduates at medical faculties and having financial difficulties to do their higher studies. These programs were conducted as a joint collaboration between Past Taxila Doctors’ Association and the Past Pupils Association of the college.
The first male medical student produced by Taxila, Community Physician Dr. Sunil Senanayake and the first female medical student produced by the school, Dermatologist Dr. Pushpa Karunasekara along with past Taxila doctors, officers & members of the Past Pupils’ Association participated in this program. Principal, teachers and the students of the Advanced Level Science Section were also among the audience. Participation of the retired AL Science teachers was one of the special features of this event.
Pediatric Chest Physician Dr. Ganganath Gunathilake explained the objectives of the Past Pupils’ Association and Past Taxila Doctors Association as well as the purpose of Taxila Arunalu and Scholarship Programs. The gathering was fortunate enough to listen to Dr. Sunil Senanayake and Mr. Ananda Illapperuma, former deputy principal and a renowned Botany teacher, who elaborated on the history of the college AL science section and remembered some beautiful memories.
The speech delivered by the General Secretary of Taxila PPA Mr. Ruwan Thambawita and the speech of appreciation done by the principal Mrs. K.K.P.M. Jayathilake were among the highlights of the proceeding. Principal, officers of PPA and Past Taxila Doctors’ Association presented the scholarships for the medical students and the students who got the highest results were well recognized. A special note of appreciation was given for the principal and the teachers who committed and contributed immensely to achieve these excellent results.